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Listing #31179 Well Established and Reputable Accounting Firm in West Texas

Listing #31179 Well Established and Reputable Accounting Firm in Western Texas

The business has rich heritage that spans over seven decades, marked by a legacy of excellence and a commitment to providing exceptional public accounting services. Since its inception, the firm has earned a reputation for its integrity, professionalism, and unwavering dedication to achieving favorable outcomes for its clients.

The company excels in providing tax compliance and planning services, financial statement services (including reviews, compilations, and preparations), and a variety of professional accounting services. Their expertise covers income tax preparation for
businesses, individuals, estates, and trusts, payroll reporting (primarily after-the-fact), bookkeeping, sales tax reporting, and a few review engagements. With a deep understanding of federal, state, and local taxation as well as agriculture, the firm offers timely compliance services and forward-thinking tax planning consultations.

The firm serves a diverse client base consisting of small to mid-sized businesses, individuals, and agricultural clients primarily from the Lubbock and West Texas region. They also cater to individuals with complex tax situations that require the expertise of a CPA.

It has a positive growth outlook, with ample opportunities for expansion. The firm has identified untapped potential in the tax services market, especially with new tax laws and regulations impacting individuals and businesses. Further growth opportunities lie in offering consulting services, expanding payroll processing services, and exploring new technologies to enhance efficiency and service delivery.

This listing is being represented by Kevin McGraw and Van Moody. To request more information on Listing #31179 please fill out an NDA & Buyer Criteria Form