Many sellers are surprised to learn that seller financing is very common. In fact, sellers should realize that there is a good chance that in order to Sell Your Business, you will have to consider offering seller
Many sellers are surprised to learn that seller financing is very common. In fact, sellers should realize that there is a good chance that in order to Sell Your Business, you will have to consider offering seller
Everyone loves recurring revenue and for good reason. When buyers see recurring revenue, they instantly know that a business is stable, has positive cash flow, and, importantly, has room for potential future growth. There is no way
Business brokers and M&A advisors consistently improve closing rates. There are many reasons why this is the case and, in this article, we’ll explore some of the top reasons why brokerage professionals get results. When it comes
At some point, you will need to sell your business. When the time comes to put your business on the market, it is in your best interest if your business has a dominant position in the market.
Eventually every business owner needs to sell or think about who will take over their business when they retire. Working with an intermediary is an easy and streamlined way to jumpstart the process and learn what mistakes
Few business owners truly understand the complex dynamics of making a deal. Having never participated in selling a business before, the majority of business owners are blissfully unaware of what it takes to turn the dream of
The simple fact is that selling your business is likely to be the single most important financial decision you’ll ever make. With this important fact in mind, it is essential that you prepare far in advance. Let’s
If you own a family-owned business, you may feel as though there are more factors to consider when it’s time to sell. In this article, we’ll examine some of the best options that business owners can use.
It takes a lot of work to buy or sell a business. When a once-promising deal is not successful, this can be due to a wide array of reasons. However, understanding the reasons why a deal can